NIFS Advanced Academic Research Collaboration Activities

Aurora Observation Project

As one of the interdisciplinary collaborative projects, researchers from the Phase Space Turbulence Unit and the Meta-Hierarchical Dynamics Unit of the National Institute for Fusion Science, the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere of Kyoto University, and Tohoku University have cooperated in launching an aurora observation project.

In this project, a two-dimensional spectrometer that can acquire data in two spatial dimensions plus wavelength and a liquid crystal filter camera that can observe images of any emission lines were installed in Kiruna, Sweden (67°51′ north latitude) for constant observation.

We plan to clarify the behavior of downed particles from the spatio-temporal evolution observed spectra and to study the fluctuations in phase space (velocity and space) that occur in the magnetosphere. By measuring physical quantities that have not been quantified before, such as images of wavelength spectra and polarization, it will be possible to infer the energy and direction of the downed particles, and new research methods are expected to develop.



04/12/2024Press ReleaseApproaching “plasma phase-space” with data science
11/10/2024Kiruna’s letterExpanding the field of view of the hyperspectral camera
02/08/2024Press ReleaseFirst full 2-D spectral image of aurora borealis from a hyperspectral camera
06/12/2023TOPICSNewspaper’s interview
08/10/2023Kiruna’s letterFull-scale aurora observations begin
10/09/2023Kiruna’s letterAurora season began
14/07/2023TOPICSResearch group
14/05/2023Kiruna’s letterAurora observation equipment is installed at SSC and KEOPS


  • Aurora Observation Project, National Institute for Fusion Science
  • 322-6 Oroshi, Toki-shi, Gifu, 509-5292, JAPAN
  • E-mail: