Aurora Observation Project

All-sky camera Data

Allsky : Position calibrated all-sky image (RGB).

  • Two dimensional RGB data of monitor camera, I (x, y), with azimuth (theta) and inclination angle (phi) data at a time slice given by StartTime.
  • Dimension x is the horizontal pixel of the CCD detector.
  • Dimension y is the vertical pixel of the CCD detector.
  • The data file is available every 11-12 second.
Earth, Planets and Space (2024)

allsky_keogram:time evolution of RGB and total intensity (counts) at S-N direction for one night including next day (starting time is written as file ID)

  • Two dimensional data of RGB intensity, IR (y, t), IG (y, t), IG (y, t), and total intensity I (y, t) in the unit of counts.
  • Dimension y is the zenith angle at S-N cross section.
  • Dimension t is the time in the unit of minute respect to the start time of observation of the night.
  • Time stamp of the file is the start time of the observation, which is usually at the evening.
  • Only one file for one night.
Earth, Planets and Space (2024)

Access to Data files (search by Date)

Please select the range of the date and time (UTC) in the following page. The local time in Kiruna is UTC+1 or UTC+2 (summer time).

Rules of data use

  • Users should contact the PI of this project (Katsumi Ida, before using the repository data for their data analysis to consult on the appropriate use of instrument data and always use the latest version of the data file. Redistribution of the data file is strictly prohibited.
  • Users should provide the PI of this project a copy of the manuscript or presentation that uses this data repository enough before submitting that manuscript for consideration of publication or the presentation at a conference or workshop so that sufficient time is available to get necessary comment back to the data user. PI would suggest potential coauthor(s) from this project to be invited.
  • Publications that use this data repository must cite the following paper as reference and include the following statement in the Data Availability statement or Acknowledgements section.
  • Reference: M. Yoshinuma, K. Ida and Y. Ebihara, Earth, Planets and Space 76 (2024) 96,
  • Statement: Science data of the HySCAI / LCF camera / all-sky camera (chose appropriate instruments) were obtained from the Data Repository of Aurora Imaging Spectroscopy (DRAIS) operated by NIFS/NINS (DOI: 10.57451/nifs.aurora-project).