Terms of use
1. Introduction
The National Institute for Fusion Science has begun research on "auroras" as one of its Advanced Scientific Research Collaboration activities. The aurora, which glows when plasma particles emitted from the sun collide with the atmosphere, is measured by a spectroscopic camera installed in Kiruna, Sweden. By providing not only observation data but also photos and videos about the aurora borealis, we hope to contribute to the education and development of plasma physics and other scientific fields, as well as to deepen understanding of the Institute's activities.
2. Use of Copyrighted Works
The copyrighted works on the Aurora photo gallery and the Aurora video of the National Institute for Fusion Science's Advanced Science and Technology Research Aurora Observation Project website (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (hereinafter referred to as "CC BY"). When using this service, please indicate the following credits.
Credit: NIFS, CC BY 4.0
It would be greatly appreciated if you could also indicate the following URL.
If modified, add the following sentence.
This work is adapted from “URL of original” by NIFS, used under CC BY 4.0, is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by [Your name here].
3. Cautions
The only works that are released under CC BY are those that appear in the galleries and videos on this site. Images and other copyrighted materials on other web pages within the National Institute for Fusion Science and on this site, other than galleries and videos, are not CC BY.
4. Contact for inquiries
Aurora Observation Project
E-mail: aurora.project@nifs.ac.jp